We welcomed our newest family member our little girl Aria. She completes our little family and we love love love her so much. Everyone tells us she looks just like her mama and how perfect is it that we have one of each :) She's already 3 months old and showing lots of personality. Aria loves to chat it up just like her momma. Ayden is the best big brother always helping. He gets clean diapers, throws away dirty ones, gets towels, gets binkys, and whatever else she needs. He absolutely is in love with her and we couldn't be more proud of him.

So yes like the title says we've been busy. I am back at work. Working at my day job and doing side projects. Finished decorating Aria's room and working one room at a time to refinish our house. We moved in we changed out a lot of hardware but we didn't personalize it much after so now that our family is complete its ready for more work. This blog will be my way of showing the hard work as well as random things inbetween. I'm calling it JennKnowsIt.Com - not to be confused with "I know it all" but just a random stuff I happen to know.
The concept and name is a funny story that started at work. I've become the gal that knows random things. My coworkers all urged me get back to your blog and blog about random things it would be awesome. Hey why not HAHA!

She's our beautiful daughter.