Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Greetings!

Wow last post back from the summer time! Crazy how fast time has flown by! I don't think a lot of people follow my blog which is fine but I do know I have the occasional troll and what not so hey heres my update for those folks haha. Rumors are true we're expecting our second baby next MAY!! Ayden will be 2 when his SISTER arrives. That's exactly how far I wanted to space our kids. Ayden is great with babies and when his cousin Lexi was here he was great with her and they were partners in crime. I didn't want to wait too long in between kids because it worked great for my family.

We celebrated a year in our house, Ayden had a great Halloween as Super Man and went trick or treating like a big kid. However once he realized there was candy in his Spongebob bucket well he wanted to eat every piece that went in. Silly boy will do tricks for candy. He is such a sponge right now. He points to everything and will learn the word for the item. Sometimes he knows word we didn't even teach him. Sponge I tell you. He's also learning 3 languages on a daily basis and so sometimes its hard because both my husband and I only speak 2 of the 3, Ayden is the only one with all 3!!! He'll ask me for things in Chinese and I just think its babble until his Grandma or his Dad translates...who knew?!?!? He loves to go out and about. We are very fortunate that he is so well behaved especially in public. We have never had to experience a store meltdown or horrible tantrum, mind you the pediatrician office is a diff story. Keeping my fingers crossed that this does not change once we hit the terrible twos.

We've had such an amazing year filled with tons of milestones and great friends and family. We are so blessed to live around our supportive family. Without their love and support we wouldn't be where we are today. Seriously could not ask for more.

I'm in a great STRESS FREE job. I leave work and never think twice about the days work. I'm surrounded by awesome co workers that don't create drama. Its close to home and best of all the perfect schedule yessss!!! Its nice not to worry about work or dread going. I actually enjoy going to work and I'm thankful for it.

Here's to wishing you and your family the best this holiday season. We hope that everyone stays warm and full!!

Happy Holidays

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Loving the summer time!

Summer already! I love the summer months in Colorado. There is just so much to do and July is always a fun month for our family. We have our annual family BBQ for the Fourth, my birthday, my husband's birthday, and our wedding anniversary. A lot to celebrate and be thankful for.

Summer months also means Garage Sales! My sisters and I loved going to garage sales in the summer with my mom and aunts. It was fun running around picking out toys. Of course now that we are adults we'd rather look for fixer uppers and things for the house. My sister is the super crafty creative one. Me I'm a little bit like that but not as extravagant. I don't sew and I don't think I'm planning on doing that. I do however sand, paint, and re-new! Because this is our first summer in the new house I'm more looking for things to accent our home. I found an adorable picnic table ($5) for Ayden and fixed it all up for him. Found a lovely bench ($5) that I'm currently working on and of course I found a good condition FREE clothing drawer that just needs a little TLC to bring it back to life. It is nice side projects but the big project is my yard. I'm adding flowers, fighting weeds, and pruning trees lol.

Re-capping June through July: Celebrated best friend Val's birthday, my sister and her family visiting Co for two weeks, BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT with VIP MEET AND GREET (DREAM COME TRUE), Twilight Eclipse, July 4th with my extended family, my birthday WEEK celebration with Golf-dinners-the zoo-presents-shopping! I have such wonderful friends and family who are all so amazing. Especially my husband who continues after all these years to still spoils me on my birthday, thanks hubby! He also got an early birthday present a new set of rims for his car. If you know my husband you know he is a car fanatic and this is what he wanted.

Yes we're one of those families that match, red white and blue baby

Ayden checking out the sparklers

Feeding the giraffes at the zoo

Me and the Backstreet Boys

Me and my new BFF Brian from BSB

The Backstreet Boys concert was absolutely amazing. The whole VIP experience was worth every penny. I've been in love with them since I was 13 and I always dreamed of one day meeting them and hanging out with them and I got to do that on June 22nd. Words cannot describe how happy I was that day *sigh* It was like I was 15 all over again!! Hey you may not understand and I don't need you to this is my blog not yours :P

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why hello bunny

Will and I were watching my favorite show : The Girls Next Door seasons 4 & 5 last weekend and we happen to be saying hey remember when we met Bridget at the Playboy Club in Las Vegas a couple of years ago and it would be so cool to get to meet Brittany Binger. Brittany is Miss June 2007 and is on GND as well as Kendra's show as well. She's our favorite playmate as well :) Funny how we just said that than two days later on twitter she announces she'll be in Denver at JetLounge downtown!!!! Hello that was just meant to be a sign that we had to go and meet her!!! Now that we are parents we have never gone out late at night. We did that all 18-24years old so we've been there done that. But to meet Brittany Binger hell yes we were game. My sister came up from the springs and babysat ayden while he slept. We have not been out to the bar since my 24th birthday so uh we're rusty and we get tired easily lol.

We got dressed up, trekked downtown, there was a Vitamin Water event going on so it was packed but we got there before the line and we got whatever flavor water we wanted lol. Found Brittany B and I literally just walked up and introduced myself and Will and chatted with her like she was my bff LOL! She is the sweetest person ever! And if its possible she's even hotter in person!!! Needless to say mission accomplished!!!

And just as a reminder me and Bridget at the Playboy Club/Club Moon @ the Palms Vegas

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ayden turns one

My how a year flies by! This year was full of amazing milestones for our little man. He's grown so much and if its possible I love him more and more every day!

Yes he's a cutie and future heartbreaker ;)

He's [this] close to walking and he's already a troublemaker lol! He loves to eat, loves his doggies who he calls his wow-wow (our family teaches babies that word for dog lol), he gives hugs and kisses, he says: Daddy, Mommy, wow-wow, Baby, Ba (which is the first word for grandma in viet) sure a lot of kids say Ba a lot but really in Viet its a word and he hears it ALL the time since his grannies watch him. He acts all shy the first five minutes of meeting new people than after the five minutes he's ready to give you lots of smiles, winks, and high fives. He waves - especially to strangers lmao! He's in 18-24month clothes but we put the 12month onesies on him any way. And the Most Common compliment everyone says, besides how cute he is," Wow he's the happiest well behaved baby I have ever met!" Best compliment ever because we do not have a child who screams at strangers or is bad. He'll be at a party for hours and you'll never hear him cry.

His Sesame Street birthday party was amazing if I dont say so myself. My girlfriends helped me make his decorations and his cake pops. Yes my little sister sam is the arts and crafts gal but me I am the creative cooker gal. Hey we've all got our strengths mine just happens to make your tummy happy too.

Elmo cupcakes, chocolate cake pops, and tissue pompoms. Awesome ideas I found on the net and re-created :)

Thank you to all of our friends and family who attended and made the party a huge success. We hired an entertainer for all the kiddies. Our balloon lady was AMAZING! She made a TONNNNN of balloon animals in the short hour we had her there. We also had a pinata that all the kids (even aydens age) could participate in. The pinata had ribbons that everyone got to hold on to than all pull for the raining of candy. Yes it rained candy hahaha! We gave out goodie bags and had a great buffet of food. It took weeks of planning, hours of man power, but the happiness on our little boys face was PRICELESS! He also got tons of toys and an entire summer wardrobe. We seriously couldn't ask for more.

Here's to many many many more birthdays! We won't be topping this birthday until the big 5 hahahaha!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

just a minute

My poor laptop of several years (wow it lasted long) was at its own death bed recently and could no longer endure my abuse and so it is now resting in peace while I place my abuse on a shiny new laptop. Granted its not super fancy and not top of the line but it is going to provide the support my habit of Facebook games, Sims 3, D60 camera photos, and Photoshop and that's all I need it to do - oh and blog entries lol!

So we got a new laptop and comcast cable internet so I have no excuses not to design and blog more. Give me just a minute to transfer all my files and programs though because it's a lottttttt of uh junk to move. I've been going through a lot of old photos. It's funny how much our lives have changed. Looking through my previous laptop is like reliving my life. Looking at photos when we first lived at the big parker house, lots of birthday parties, vacations to everywhere, clubbing till 2am, bottle service at the hottest bars, laughs with friends, our wedding, family photos, pregnancy, birth of Ayden, our new home, more weddings, and everything else inbetween. I love my new camera and I need to take my point and shoot camera more often.

My point is so many good memories in the last few years and we have so many more memories to make!
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