My birthday is officialy just a week and a half away!! Whoo the big 24, lol everything is the big [insert number here]. I love birthdays whether they are mines or someone else's. It's a day to celebrate your life and the great things in it...was that too cheesy?
So the plan is on my actual birthday which is Tuesday the 8th wings night at BW3 in lonetree. Than that weekend a four course dinner at my favorite place The Melting Pot...YUM! Followed by either a stint at bowling or D&B's we'll see how the night goes :)
July is just the month for cakes. The baker that made our wedding cake will be making my birthday cake and recreating the top layer of our wedding cake for our first wedding anniversary. Can you tell I am super excited? I don't think its a bad thing. Especially since today the negative nellies like to take everyone down. Well you know what you can't take this birthday girl down. You go be sad in your own corner k.
July 4th is so close and I'm excited too but work is so short staffed that its bothering me so much I cant get excited about a 3 day weekend. Sad I know. Short staffed in an already small office sucks, trust me on that. I need happy hour that week lol, who's in?