Friday, March 28, 2008

Part one Vegas pictures

First off success I've got comments and archives working. Now all the stalkers can view everything. Well that's why I created this. For people who want to read updates without using a networked site. Either way you obviously must be somewhat interested and so you're here reading, looking, enjoy it cause if you hate it than LEAVE! Thanks!

Any way here are pictures from DAY one in Vegas (Sunday day before St.Patty's Day. This day started at 5:30AM and did not end until well 4:30AM Monday) Yeah we party like Rockstars, what can I wish you were hot like us.

Whooo exciting huh, well thats day one. Stay tuned for the two additional days we had in Vegas! The fun never ends :)

So as a lot of people know I love MAC, Purses, and organizing so to make an additional useful purpose to my blog I am thinking that I would show you hints and tips on organizing in a cute cheap way! Not decorating mind you just organizing. The container store aint got nothin on me baby :) Let's see if I have time though....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I <3 my weekends

I had forgotten how enjoyable weekends are. How on Fridays you get sooo excited because you get two days to catch up on sleep. Oh and I forgot how the case of the Monday's can ruin a Sunday afternoon lmao!

Monday's are supposed to be busy in the office so I am definetly intimidated. I am so used to official training. At this job it was a ten minute briefing and than thrown in the fire. So I learn as I go. Sometimes can feel overwhelming but I can do this. I just keep thinking of all the lovely things I want. Well everyone needs motivation right?

Back to Vegas. Highlights of the trip were crawfish, seeing my cousin Kathy, FAO schwartz, Yard long margaritas....yummmm, Playboy Club, all the buffets, and finding my dream Chanel bag....which I plan on buying as a birthday gift to myself. Holla!

Since I created my own template I need to find the html for the archive links and the comments links. I forget to look them up though cause I get so exhausted and all I can think about is hitting the bed. I should be sleeping now for work but damnit I was napping all day plus I am watching the Girls Next Door on DVD, uncensored baby lmao!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm alive I promise

Whoa I have been sooo M.I.A....what with Vegas and than straight into my new job I forgot how to stop and breathe. Vegas was amazing as always. Amazing food, entertainment, fun, and everything inbetween. We didn't loose in gambling we actually won!! Too bad we spent it all on food and shopping.

Oh my goodness and the best part was meeting Bridget from the E! Hit reality show the Girls Next door. I am officially Bridget's biggest fan lmao!! It was that magical. She's the one known for her beauty and brains folks. That right there is SMOKIN hot annnnd she's the one with the real boobies lol!!! I got my whole group the biggest hookup in town. No line, No cover, and free drinks homies!!! Pimp ass I know :)

She was so sweet and even prettier in person!!! No one seems to be more excited than I was to meet her but thats cause they wish they would've met her. Also I fell in love with the most beautiful Chanel bag and the best part is if I buy through Las Vegas Chanel they will ship it for free to me and NO TAX baby! I'd be saving a fortune. Hence why I am working a new job. I want that bag and all this MAC makeup I've been eyeing.....goregous and fabulous.

I've got a million more pictures I've just been TOO exhausted to even begin to start to resize. Myspace and Facebook make it easy to upload.

My body and mind are so not used to working. I am learning new things at work every five minutes and I feel like I am messing up but everyone assures me that I am picking things up fast and that I am doing a great job. Patients have been telling me they couldn't tell that it was my first day there and that was one of the biggest compliment. I am just used to only school work going through my mind now I am juggling school and new work you know how hard the medical field is. There's a million and one forms and terminology. My brain is gonna explode lol!

Thank goodness for a quick break in school that my brain can recover. I forgot how much hard work it is to work for a living. But I keep thinking of the wonderful lovely things my heart so desires. I would like to trade my Benz for a midsize SUV soon (yes even with the ridiculous gas prices) but its getting harder for Will and I to do anything with both of us in coupes (two door cars). Like driving other people besides ourselves, moving, and possible family editions. That means money money and oh yeah more money. So there you have it. Must work for many months for many new toys. The End.

I'll update more on Vegas later. Too tired to function.....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Midterms = stress

Its midterms week alread!!! Well the good news is that I survived this long and I kept on track of all my work. Bad news is that I have 3 papers due this week. Oy and it all has to be done before I leave for Las Vegas on Sunday. So this weekend no going out, I am hunkering down (is that the right word?) and writing, writing, and more writing. The Hubby and I have been prepping for the trip this whole week. Things for the dogs as they are off visiting their aunty Samantha in Colorado Springs. I got them more food, spray for her house in case of accidents, tupperware for their treats, and food bowls. I gotta make sure the kids are taken care of lol.

This will be the first time my littlest one (Louis) is experiancing his Mama being away. When we first got him he spent two days at grandma's but he didn't know much than. Now he's aware when I leave the room and has to follow lol! He's a mama's boy and its by his nature, male yorkies are much more affectionate than the females. And well Biscuit (the older one) she has been through it all as I left her for two weeks when I went to Vietnam. Although she was not happy the entire time I was gone. She even rebelled lmao! My dogs are like little people. I know people say like don't get too attached as they are just pets but I can't help it. They have their own personalities, they get jealous, they need attention, they have their own quirks lol. Louis brave at the doctors office while Biscuit shakes and sheds like crazy. He's shy and she's outgoing. If you visit our home she'll share and show and tell all her toys for you while he hides behind his mama. I love them so much and I already know I'm going to miss them this weekend....probably why I've been semi-spoiling them hahahaha.

The beer tours on Tuesday were soooo much fun.
Went to the Coors brewery and that was great. Tasted the freshest Coors beer you'll ever have. Tasted a lot like Bud light to me but I am no beer coniseuir. Than it was off to Ft.Collins for New Belgium Brewery and the O'Dells Brewery. Both were good but I've already had their beers lol! I am not a beer gal at all, at Coors they had these flavored Zimas like pineapple citrus Zima...yum! I lost my tolerance for buzzed off of two zima's how SAD is that. Oh well cheaper for me to get drunk whoohoo!

Photos from the tours will be posted later, first to-do homework yo!

Monday, March 10, 2008

A great weekend

I can't believe the weekend is over already! It went by so fast. The weekend was productive, fun, and relaxing. That probably is the best kind of weekend ever.

Friday night was the Nuggets vs Spurs game. Our first NBA game ever and boy was it fun. Time went by so fast during that three hour game. It was a nationally televised game and it was packed! I loved every minute of it.

Our best friends above are Mike and Valerie. One of the funnest couples you'll ever meet. They are the ones we are traveling with next weekend to Las Vegas! We're gonna be OUTTA control. It will be so much fun :)

I got homework out of the way earlier than I normally did and I've been preparing myself for midterms. I love when I am proactive with my school work because I've been known to procrastinate. Later this week I'll be going shopping for the remainder of must haves for the trip. I've been looking foward to this trip so much I know that it will go by so fast :( No wait positive thoughts!!! I am going to enjoy my last week of no working.

Tuesday I'll be going with Mike and Val to the brewery tours. The Coors factory in Golden and than the breweries in Ft.Collins like New Belgium, and something else...Budweiser unfortunately is closed. Oh well. It will be lots of fun, beer all day long lol :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

I got this!

Success the second interview went great and I go back to work on March 20th right after Vegas :) Yay I'll be all refreshed and feeling good to get back to work and making money again. I am very excited. Everyone seems very nice its such a family friendly place and the drive is NOT bad at all, already found a short cut baby.

Tonight is the Nuggets vs. Spurs game. I'll be taking tons of photos. Dinner with the best friends I mean what more can a girl ask for. Mike and Val you guys will get tired of me what with two whole weeks of celebrating Mikes birthday lmao!

Friday night dinner and the game for his birthday
Saturday birthday party and dinner for his birthday
Tuesday beer tour at Coors and Ft Collins for his birthday
and than Sunday - Tuesday Las Vegas again for his birthday

Mike I swear when my birthday rolls around I want to celebrate for four weeks if you get to celebrate yours for two!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Up in the air

Well my second interview tomorrow....its all up in the air. My retirement time may be coming to an end. Pooh I knew it couldnt last forever but I didn't think it would be so soon. But who knows what the future holds. I look foward though to the good things like our End of Summer vacation to the Bahamas and Florida including a four day cruise! Must work and save money :)

I also need one more shopping trip before Vegas..
New Heels
MAC makeup wipes (I'm out)
MAC Eye Shadow....not sure on color just yet (using the B2M)
MAC FAFI Beauty Powder

hmmm thats good I think I already bought the new tops last month.
I wish it were next week already.

But in the mean time I can be excited for Friday nights Nuggets VS. Spurs game that I have tickets too....whooo some wicked seats too :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vegas countdown

In less than two weeks I'll be basking in the glow of an overdue long-awaited vacation to Las Vegas! I've been preping for this trip forever and I could go right now, but alas i still have to wait ten more days. I'm looking forward to all the fun, drinking, eating, and merriment with friends and loved ones :) Oh but also that midterms are the same week. Greeeatt so hopefully I will be proactive and finish and complete midterms before I leave for Vegas!

Monday, March 3, 2008


The official SimplyJenn blog. A combination of Livejournal, MySpace, and Melo all jam packed into one centralized location. Why are there so many blogging tools and why am I on all of them. Oh yeah the networking of friends. LJ is where I've kept the longest running blog and I've made fantastic friends on it and it will probably be a forever or till all my friends there leave sort of situation. MySpace well everyone and their mama's are on there so its hard to be discrete in any way shape or form. One false move there and someones gonna tell your momma what you said. Melo well I'm there for one person only. My bff Valerie. She refuses to blog anywhere else so I followed her there lol! I love her so its worth it, that and no one else I know in real life blogs there so its like a safety net of no personal judgement you know. And blogspot, well this is a free for all isn't it. I can't track who views me, I cant really set privacy settings, so guess what STALK me here its all good.

Really though I created this account because some of my favorite blog reads are on and I've become such a fan :) You'll see.

Stay tuned for more on ME!
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